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Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Improve your offseason indoor golf business now

If you own or run an indoor golf center, you are probably in the swing of your peak season and that is great.  There are probably lots of golfers and all your simulators are seeing lots of action.  But we all know when the weather improves, many of those customers will head outside to play.

The good news is that you can take action now that will greatly improve your business in the slower season - that action is getting these players to provide you with an email address.   
I know most of you are probably thinking email is dead and that social media is the way to go, but that thinking is wrong.  Ignoring email as a way to connect with your customers is a perilous choice.  Here are a few facts to consider:

  • 91% of consumers check their email every day
  • 72% of consumers check their email 6 or more times a day
  • In an article by Advertising Age, a study of 1,400 U.S consumers, 42% said they prefer to receive ads for sales and specials via email
  • 44% of consumers made a purchase based on an email offer
  • Per Experian (a credit bureau), for every $1 spend on email, the average return is $44.25

Do I have your attention yet?  Cultivating a robust email list is essential to driving traffic to your facility.  What better time to collect email than when you have folks in your golf center.  Make collecting email part of every conversation, ask for it at the time of payment, offer giveaways for business cards, collect it on your website in return for a coupon . . .you get the point.

One awesome tool I've used to help me collect nearly 1,000 emails and quadruple my Facebook likes is JustUno.  The have an awesome set of case studies on how business are using their tools to increase subscribers, likes and followers:
67% Sales Increase with Justuno - Case Study
Do you have any great ideas on how you get email? Have a reaction to the article?  Please comment!!