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Get the Ultimate Golf Simulator Comparison Tool
Get the Ultimate Golf Simulator Comparison Tool

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Bryson is talented enough that he would be able to hit OWGR 1 if he focused more on the “artistic” and “feel” side of the sport and less on the “in quirky and try too hard to be scientific” side of the game.

I could absolutely be wrong about this but don’t think I am.

The dude was using a gc quad on the practice green pre-round yesterday. I get trying to look at certain launch numbers on the range pre-round, and I get working on your putting during some downtime and looking at the numbers GCQuAd could give you, but to me feel for the greens takes prevent over min-maxing your launch parameters while putting, and obsessing over that stuff before a Saturday round seems absurd.

That’s not the only thing he does that just seems way off to me, but it really made me ponder the way he looks at the game.

Edit - maybe not actually world #1, but I feel he would be better if he just played the game and stopped being quirky

Submitted June 14, 2020 at 05:41PM by This-Isnt-Easy-Mode

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