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Get the Ultimate Golf Simulator Comparison Tool

Friday, August 31, 2018

(8) Testers Wanted: SuperSpeed Golf

If you want to hit the ball farther, you need to swing the club faster. That’s basic math.

But how do you swing the club faster, while still keeping your swing under control?

That, my friends, is the million dollar question. The folks at SuperSpeed Golf believe they have an answer.

A few weeks ago we ran a story on the how’s and why’s of SuperSpeed Golf. In a nutshell, it’s called Overspeed Training: you swing a shaft weighted to be 20% lighter than your standard drive, another that’s 10% lighter and a third that’s 5% heavier, each as hard as you can. SuperSpeed Golf says virtually everyone will pick up swing speed after the first try.


SuperSpeed Golf says its protocols can permanently rewire your neurological pathways to boost your swing speed and help you hit the ball a bit farther. They have the science to back it up and plenty of Tour players use it during their practice routine. But here at MyGolfSpy, we want to know what gains you – the avid golfer – can achieve by using SuperSpeed Golf.

We’re looking for eight of you — yep, eight – to test, review and keep a SuperSpeed Golf set in return for your commitment to use the set for the rest of your golf season and report on the results.

Additionally, SuperSpeed will also provide you with a Swing Speed Radar so you can track your progress as you go through the protocols.

This review opportunity is open to any avid golfer in the U.S. or Canada.

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All of MyGolfSpy’s Community reviews require a serious commitment on the part of the reviewer. You will need to be motivated, detail oriented and savvy with online forums, so please make sure you read the following instructions carefully and apply in the proper place.

Our member reviews are published in our Community Forum (click here to check them out). Writing a thorough, detailed and honest review is a lot of work – you’ll be writing detailed reviews of your two-month-plus journey, as well as participating in the MyGolfSpy Community Forum itself to answer questions and discuss product performance with other golfers.

That means to be a potential reviewer you must be a registered member of the MyGolfSpy Community Forum, where you’ll find nearly 70,000 like-minded golfers from all over the world anxious to talk about golf equipment.

To apply to test, review and keep a SuperSpeed Golf set and a Swing Speed Radar, here’s what you have to do:

– First, please sign up for the MyGolfSpy Community Forum (click here to register).

– Second, apply ONLY in the Official SuperSpeed Golf Review Application thread in the MyGolfSpy Forum (click here).

We’ll be announcing our testers next week, so be sure to check the MyGolfSpy Community Forum to see if you’ve been selected.

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Thanks for engaging, We'd love to see you join our indoor golf subreddit as well