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Friday, April 7, 2017

The Ball Doesn’t Care.

The ball really doesn't care what name is on the bottom of the club.

You know, it's funny, the longer you are in the golf industry the more you see it for what it really is. Hype. Those that have the biggest budgets win and those that tell the best stories generally sell the most clubs.  I laugh now when I see ads for golf clubs or so-called "experts" spewing the same info they have for decades, simply to a new flock of golfers. The formula works, so why change it. Right?

We test clubs. Literally almost all of them. And if we have learned anything it’s that the data proves most of this stuff you see when compared to the ads, is just that: Hype. Actually the better word is bullshit. Don’t get me wrong, there are definite best in class clubs every year, but it’s rare to see a product perform that much better than the other products in its category.  And it's even more rare that a product does it year after year with any consistency.

Brandwashing is a strong enemy to defeat. Leveling the playing field against the industry juggernauts, even more difficult. Consumers have been bombarded with millions and millions of dollars of ads with two basic purposes in mind. To persuade you and to make you loyal to their brand and their products. It has become an art, and those that paint the best brush strokes win.

MyGolfSpy, however, paints on a different canvas. It’s perfectly square and there are only two colors: Black and White. It either is or it is not. It either performs or it doesn’t. Names matter none.

But here is the funny thing about names. Some of those names in the golf industry are starting to change. They aren’t just the blue chip ones you are so accustomed to hearing. Now, you’re hearing about the Snell’s, Evnroll’s and Kirkland’s. All joining the conversation around the world.

Those names are being heard for one reason, the products perform.

And MyGolfSpy could not be more proud to be a part of that changing conversation. When we are done, we hope the industry will be about one thing: Performance.

That brings me to today’s story. It’s another one about performance.

It’s about a brand most have never heard of and the rest who have, probably are not even considering. We understand, we get it. The name isn’t one you know and the product looks strange. Well, so did the Ping Anser.

What we care about and why we are telling this story is because products like these are exactly the ones we feel more golfers should be hearing about. Remember, it’s rare to not only see a product perform but do it with consistency. These products have proven to do both. 3 years in a row they have performed near the top of multiple putting statistical categories in Most Wanted testing. Beating out some of the biggest names in the business, year after year.

They have grown over 400% in just 2 years and 95% of their customers are satisfied. Products that perform and taking care of the customers is what we believe in to our core. We stand behind both those philosophies. So here is to a company doing it differently, but doing it the way we think it should be done.

Kudos to you MLA.

Keep doing what you are doin'.

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