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Friday, January 13, 2017

The Power of Attention

How long have you played the game? Do you take lessons and practice diligently - but only see marginal improvement? Despite unlimited sources of free information from the worlds' premier instructors, and quantum advances in equipment technology, the average golfer in North America struggles to break ninety consistently. If a comprehensive knowledge of swing mechanics was the only prerequisite, then every dedicated golfer would be scoring in the eighties. Most of my students understand the nuances of proper technique, yet they return every Spring to correct recurring swing flaws. Continuous improvement is the result of constantly refining technique and allowing the new skill to develop. The key to this process is controlling your attention. If the old axiom " you get what you focus on consistently" is true, then devoting your attention to correcting swing flaws, sets up an endless pattern of fault-finding and error correction. This article suggests, that learning how to control your attention is the missing link between knowledge and results.

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