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Get the Ultimate Golf Simulator Comparison Tool
Get the Ultimate Golf Simulator Comparison Tool

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Post Title Survey Results. Spoiler: No Change.

Well votes are in we got almost 100 responses. Some were junk, others put in fake Reddit names so ended up being 75ish legit votes.

  • 58% Leave as is, you can post whatever you want
  • 25% [Spoiler] Tag required before posting result in title. Submissions without tag will be removed.
  • 16% Add a rule something to the effect of Do not post spoiler results in the title. Feel free to create post tournament discussion threads without title spoilers.

So we'll leave things as is. But I ask that people (especially like yesterday with the totally idiotic tape delay coverage) don't try to make a race to post results in the title of a new post when we always have a tournament discussion thread. Is that cool?

If the sub picks up interest/subscribers we can revisit but as most tournament threads only get a handful of posts, it's good for now.

Submitted September 06, 2016 at 10:50AM by CaveBacon

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