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Get the Ultimate Golf Simulator Comparison Tool

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

looking for cliff's notes version of the last several years of pro golf

Someone offered me a ticket to attend the U.S. Open with them. I don't follow pro golf, but I'd like to go, and I don't want to seem totally clueless and unappreciative.
Where can I find some of the highlights of the events of the last few years in pro golf? I'm not going to become an expert, but it would be nice if I were at least aware of a few of the golf-related topics that they will inevitably talk about.
I'm worried that the entire day will go something like:
"Looks like so-and-so is going to do blahblah just like at last year's such-and-such tournament."
"Oh, I didn't watch that one."

Submitted June 14, 2016 at 10:20PM by doesntwatchgolf

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