Get the Ultimate Golf Simulator Comparison Tool

Get the Ultimate Golf Simulator Comparison Tool
Get the Ultimate Golf Simulator Comparison Tool

Monday, February 1, 2016

Welcoming /u/barkhorse to the Moderator team.

A 7 year year Reddit veteran and the man behind our header image for the past few years has volunteered to be a part of the moderator team as we lost the original creator about 3 years ago now and another more recently. Deactivated accounts, nothing serious that we know of.

Welcome to the team and readers please use this thread to offer any comments or suggestions for the sub as we get into the swing of the 2016 season.

(If you're chuffed that your fav player isn't up there, tweet him to tell him to play better ;). And Jack spent a good amount of time up there as the GOAT, so no whining about TW getting some facetime. )

Submitted February 01, 2016 at 06:59PM by CaveBacon

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Thanks for engaging, We'd love to see you join our indoor golf subreddit as well