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Sunday, February 7, 2016

[Serious] What if the Masters Tournament rotated networks every year?

That Masters vs. the Super Bowl thread in this subreddit sprang back to mind something I thought of a while back: one of the Super Bowl's unique broadcasting quirks is that the rights to air the game are rotated on an annual basis. And so that makes me wonder what would happen if one of the majors wound up getting that treatment--and since ANGC technically renews with CBS on one year agreements, the Masters would be one major that would logistically fit in with this idea.

We all know that would likely never happen in real life; it'd take a major snafu by CBS to lose its rights. But what do you think it would be like if multiple networks got to share the wealth on a rotating basis? Aside from commentator logistics (i.e. who would ANGC allow to actually do commentary on the event? Would someone more brash like Johnny Miller even be allowed?), it would be a neat change in pace.

Submitted February 07, 2016 at 11:26PM by Yoshiman400

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