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Get the Ultimate Golf Simulator Comparison Tool

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Indoor Golf Marketing Ideas

Game Improvement 
Outdoor instruction simply cannot match the feedback and analysis you can get in a controlled environment loaded with sensors and video equipment. We've seen quite a few facilities marking the science of game improvement to get players to book hours on the simulators - with or without a pro giving lessons.

Summer Camp 
Not every kid feels comfortable at a course or driving range. Some have difficulty with heat and allergies. Offering an indoor golf camp is a fun an interesting way to learn the game. It can also be a great way to drive known bookings around low volume hours. Make sure you check into any special laws or licensing needed for running a camp.

Birthday Parties 
This is a bit of a twist on the summer camp idea in that it is geared towards kids, just not for as long of a duration. You can offer a special for parents to play on other simulators while their kids attend the party.

Introduction to Golf 
Target folks who would like to learn, but may be intimidated by going out on the course. Offer a spouses special for your regular players. Help them get started in the game and you can potentially grow a new base.

Leagues, Contests and Charity Events 
Offer special events to draw in players. Contests like closest to the pin and long drive get folks in the door, but you'll probably have a little work to do to keep them there.

Fitting and Demo Days 
Partner up with your local sales reps. Offer your customers a chance to come hit all the new clubs in one place. You may even be able to get a piece of the action on equipment sales if all goes well.

Bundle Deals 
If you have food and beverage capabilities, you can offer a combo package of food, drink and play time on the machines. Do a promotion to keep cool at the hottest part of the day and come in for a round and a drink.

Rain Checks 
It rains during the summer and you can offer a place to play when other courses can't. Give a "Rain Check" coupon to local clubs to let players come to your facility and get a discount when it rains

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