Get the Ultimate Golf Simulator Comparison Tool

Get the Ultimate Golf Simulator Comparison Tool
Get the Ultimate Golf Simulator Comparison Tool

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Most people close to indoor golf know it is a seasonal business.  Our golf center survey found that business is much more robust in the cold and wet months than it is in the warm and dry ones.  No big surprise there.  What is interesting is that the trend for "indoor golf" searches on Google is seasonal as well.  Notice how the index from Google in the first chart below shows that indoor golf searches peak around January each year and tend to bottom out in the May through August period.

What does this mean for your indoor golf business?
It means that your off season marketing efforts need to be broader than just talking about indoor golf.  Be creative, look for ideas that align with search trends, provide what folks are looking for in your area.  An example is "Golf League" in the second chart below.  It's peak will perfectly correlate with the off season bottoms on indoor golf in terms of search trends.   Get creative, do your research and find ideas lie golf lessons, golf tournament, or golf coupon (I know those aren't too creative, but they do better support summer search patterns than indoor golf.

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